California, USA
In November 2014 I flew to California to visit Mary, who was moving house from El Cerrito. I flew direct to San Francisco from Heathrow with British Airways.
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El Cerrito pavement

California St, San Francisco Financial District

101 California St, San Francisco

California St, San Francisco

California St, San Francisco

The City, from Point Isabel

The Bay Bridges, old and new, from Point Isabel

Curlew, Point Isabel

The City, from our Air B&B in Kensington

The City, from our Air B&B in Kensington

The Richmond Bridge

Oakland Harbour, from our Air B&B in Kensington

Mary, in our Air B&B in Kensington

Golden Gate Bridge from Wildcat Canyon park

Richmond Refinery from Wildcat Canyon park

On the San Pablo Ridge Trail

The Belgum Trail, Wildcat Canyon

Golden Gate Bridge from the Belgum Trail, Wildcat Canyon

Oakland Harbour from East Richmond Heights

Our Air B&B: 1974 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Kensington